Phantasy Star Wiki
PSII zosa
Ps2 zosa

Map of Zosa

Zosa is one of the three final towns reached in Phantasy Star II, and possibly the first town found on the planet Dezo. Rolf gains access to this town after boarding the Paseo spaceship and successfully navigating through the maze-like Skure spaceport. Zosa is the closest residential area to the dungeon, Ikuto.

General Information[]

Zosa is a small town located to the northeast of Dezo. It is notable for once being a place of refuge for Palmans that were mining Laconia ore. After accidentally causing poisonous gas to leak from the mine, which consequently mutated local wildlife, they abandoned the town. Shortly after, local Dezolians reclaimed the place for themselves.

Services available in this town include:

  • Teleport station to Skure, Aukba, Ryuon
  • Clone lab
  • Data memory
  • Hospital
Weapon shop Cost Armor shop Cost Tool shop Cost
BoomerangAnna 480 Laconian HelmetRudoHughKain 29000 Dimate 60
Ceramic SwordRolf 3200 LaconinishRudoHugh 35000 Hidapipe 280
Laconian MaceHughKain 16800 Laconian CapeAnna 36000
AC SlasherAnna 24000 Long BootsAnna 6800
Acid ShotAmyHughKain 4800 Shune BootsAnnaShir 7500
Pulse VulcanRudo 48000 Laconian EmelAmyAnnaShir 12000
Phantasy Star II
Playable Characters Rolf - Nei - Rudolf Steiner - Amy Sage - Hugh Thompson - Anna Zirski - Josh Kain - Shir Gold
Antagonists Neifirst - Army Eye - Dark Force - Mother Brain
Planets Mota - Dezo
Locations Paseo - Arima - Oputa - Zema - Kueri - Piata - Zosa - Aukba - Ryuon - Esper Mansion
Dungeons Shure - Tower of Nido - Biosystems Lab - Roron - Uzo Island - Climatrol - Control Tower
Red Dam - Yellow Dam - Blue Dam - Green Dam - Gaira - Skure - Crevice - Menobe - Guaron - Ikuto - Naval - Noah