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The Awakening is a Story Quest in Phantasy Star Online 2. It's part of Episode 4, Chapter 1: When I Opened My Eyes. It takes place on Naverius and Earth.

Quest Monsters[]

The monsters that appear in this quest are shown below. Underneath their name is their elemental weakness and below that is any other pertinent information.



Quest Details[]

Quest Name: The Awakening

Quest Type: Story Quest

Quest Class: Solo Quests

Reward: Triboost +50%

Quest Description
The mission was to keep an eye on suspicious ARKS personnel. The perfect mission for someone needing a little rehabilitation after returning. Yet neuther god or mortal could possibly anticipate the mayhem that awaited.


A.P. 241/3/22 15:00

(an ARKS operative is on Naverius, looking through some data for a bit)

Hitsugi: A direct request from the ARKS admiral to investigate the source of the Falspawn appearances on Naverius, huh...
Hitsugi: It's the first time I've heard about this... and the admiral is sending out an underling like me? Is that really a thing?
Hitsugi: Maybe, just maybe, they're trying to keep an eye on me...
Hitsugi: Nah, there's no way that's it! This place has always been buggy, and this definitely doesn't seem right.
Hitsugi: ME, under suspicion? That's gotta be some kinda bug. Plan and simple.
Hitsugi: What are you so afraid of, Hitsugi? Just do what you always do! Come on!

(Hitsugi turns around and is surprised to see the protagonist)

Hitsugi: GYAH! Wh-Who are you!?

(Hitsugi receives a transmission)

Xiera: Um... Are you Hitsugi?
Hitsugi: Y-Yes, Hitsugi reporting! Er, I mean, yeah, that's me...
Xiera: My name is Xiera. I'm the ARKS Ship Overseer and operator. A pleasure to meet you.
Xiera: And that there is your new mission partner.
Hitsugi: Hmm...? Yeah yeah. That name rings a bell...

(Hitsugi looks the protagonist up)

Hitsugi: Oh, right! The renowned ARKS op from the way against the Profound Darkness two years ago! B-But...why were YOU paired with ME?
Xiera: They've only just woken up; it's a long story. Just consider this a joint operation for rehabilitation purposes.
Hitsugi: R-Right. For rehabilitation, yeah.

(Hitsugi turns around and kneels down)

Hitsugi: (The Ship Overseer and operator, plus being accompanied by a key operative from two years ago... This can't be right.)
Hitsugi: (They've GOT to be suspecting me of something!)
Hitsugi: (Why has it come to this? Did I show a little too much enthusiasm? Did I come off as too much of a tryhard?)
Xiera: Er... Hitsugi?

(Hitsugi stands up)

Hitsugi: Ahaha... right, um...
Hitsugi: It's reassuring to have you as a companion! It'll be a pleasure to work with you!
Hitsugi: Anyhow, let's get going! Together, I'm sure we'll get this dealt with quick and easy! Off we go!

(Hitsugi takes the lead)

Xiera: By all appearances male, but his mannerisms defy convention... Definitely quite a character, that one.
Xiera: I can't help but think he's up to something, though. Let's keep an eye on him.

(the protagonist nods and the two make their way the Corrupted Region)

A.P. 241/3/22 15:30

(the protagonist stands some distance away from Hitsugi)

Xiera: It's taken me some time to get used to him, but really, he seems to be a perfectly ordinary operative.
Xiera: If anything, he seems rather timid around you--like he's holding back or something.
Xiera: What do you think? How has it been fighting alongside him?

(the protagonist is given two options to answer: "Nothing feels particularly off to me." or "There's something unnatural about him...")

(when choosing "Nothing feels particularly off to me.")

Xiera: You're the one working closely with him, so you'd know better than anyone.
Xiera: Personally, I've noticed that he's been quite nervous the entire time.

(when choosing "There's something unnatural about him...")

Xiera: Indeed, I get the impression that something is off... or perhaps "unnatural" is more accurate.
Xiera: Combat aside, it seems like he's been self-conscious around us the entire time.

Xiera: Whatever the case, this investigation is almost over, so let's keep an eye on him and share our conclusions afterward.

(the protagonist nods and Hitsugi looks at them)

Hitsugi: Urgh, they're glancing over at me and whispering... I swear I'm innocent!
Hitsugi: *gasp* Wait! Maybe they think I've been taking it easy on enemies and that I'm in cahoots with them!?
Hitsugi: Ugh, this is all going so wrong! I'll just have to try harder and show them I'm more then capable of--er, hmm?

(they see a shadowed figure)

Hitsugi: What the heck is that?

(it starts to attack Hitsugi who dodges it)

Hitsugi: Whoa! Wh-What's it doing!?
Xiera: Watch out! I'm getting a strong reading... Falspawn? No, something worse!
Xiera: I've never seen a Falspawn reading like this...
Xiera: Don't tell me it sensed you were awake and came looking for you!?

(the protagonist wants to charge toward them but Xiera stops them)

Xiera: This is bad! Fall back!
Xiera: You are its target!

(the shadowed figure goes for the attack but is hit by Hitsugi's Gunblade)

Hitsugi: Can't say I get what's going on, but oh well! Now is my time to shine!

(Hitsugi attacks the shadowed figure)

Hitsugi: This'll finish youuuuuu!

(the shadowed figure disappears)

Hitsugi: All right! Never stood a chance.
Hitsugi: Hey, did you see that? Wasn't that awesome? I mean, I AM an ARKS op, after all. When I go all-out, something that puny is no match for--
Xiera: Hitsugi, don't let your guard down! My sensors still detect its presence!
Hitsugi: Huh? But I thought it was gone...

(Hitsugi starts to get engulfed by red black smoke)

Hitsugi: Wha--!? My arms... I can't move!
Hitsugi: What's going on!? What's happening to me? Someone, help!

(the protagonist goes to Hitsugi and reaches their hand out)

Hitsugi: What!?

(the protagonist is given two options to say but both options result in the same event: "Don't worry, I'm here to help!" or "Calm down, I'll save you!")

Hitsugi: R-Right!

(the protagonist starts to purify the F-Factor)

Xiera: The power of the Falspawn--or rather, Dark Falz--is being neutralized?
Xiera: Oh... I see now. So this is the power Xiao spoke of.
Hitsugi: My arms...are free again! I should be able to log out!

(Hitsugi disappears)

Xiera: Are you all right!?
Xiera: The Falspawn reading has vanished, but where is Hitsugi!?

A.D. 2028/3/22 16:00

(Hitsugi appears on her chair from the screen)

Hitsugi: Ugh... *huff* *huff* D-Did I make it back?
Hitsugi: Thank goodness... Looks like I was able to log out.
Hitsugi: Geez, what the heck was that? The Aether Infrastructure bugged out, and I couldn't move... Talk about freaky.
Hitsugi: Calm down, girl, just calm down. That was all in PSO2. You're logged out now, so everything's fine.
Hitsugi: Right, this is Earth. Mother Earth, the blue planet. A peaceful place without war or conflict.

(Hitsugi stands up from her chair and walks around in her room)

Hitsugi: This is my personal fortress: my room, complete with a computer--crucial in this information society--and a bed to rest my exhausted body.

(Hitsugi sees someone on her bed)

Hitsugi: Er...
Hitsugi: That's right, this is Earth. Mother Earth, third planet from the sun. I'm in my room. So on that bed... is my...

(she still sees someone on her bed and she kneels down)

Hitsugi: C'mon, Hitsugi, calm down! Let's take some nice, deep breaths, Iiinnn...ooouuut... Iiinnn, ooouuut...
Hitsugi: I'm Hitsugi Yasaka, age sixteen. The year is 2028! The day is... I can't remember! I'll finally be a high school junior this spring!
Hitsugi: This is Earth. I'm in Tokyo, at school. This is my dorm. I am NOT in PSO2; I am absolutely, positively in the real world.
Hitsugi: So this must be a dream! Whatever's on that bed is an illusion! A product of my imagination! My eyes playing tricks! Sleep deprivation! Yup!

(Hitsugi turns around and the boy sits up)

Hitsugi: NO! It's still there! And now it's awake!
???: I?
Hitsugi: Oh my god, it SPOKE! No, no, I'm just hearing things...
???: Hey... where am I?
Hitsugi: It's looking right at me! This is no dream or illusion!
???: Is...something wrong?
???: Are you in pain? Are you all right?
Hitsugi: Stay put, you. I'm trying to drag myself back to reality so I can accept what's going on...
Hitsugi: Okay, Hitsugi. You can roll with this. *ahem* First things first: Who are you? What's your name?
???: Hitsugi.
Hitsugi: That's MY name! I'm asking what YOUR name is! YOUR! NAME!
???: If it's not Hitsugi, then... I don't know.
Hitsugi: Arrrgh! What the hell ARE you!?
Hitsugi: You're here, in MY room! And you look exactly like my game avatar--like you just came straight out of PSO2!
Hitsugi: No way...could that actually be what happened?
Hitsugi: What am I saying!? That's impossible! Mother never mentioned anything about that!

(someone knocks on the door)

Hitsugi: Crap, I guess I was too loud. That has to be the dorm leader.

(they knock again on the door)

Hitsugi: Hang on, I'll be right there!
???: No, it's too dangerous!

(a monster appears from the door, knocking Hitsugi down)

Hitsugi: That smarts... What was THAT for?

(Hitsugi sees the monster and slowly backs away)

Hitsugi: Huh? Monsters now? Gimme a break! When it rains, it pours...

(the monster attacks and the boy comes inbetween)

???: Look out!

(the boy takes the attack)

???: Oww!
Hitsugi: You...saved me... Kh!
Hitsugi: L-Leave me alone!
Hitsugi: Help me... me!

(light shines from the screen and the protagonist appears before Hitsugi)

Hitsugi: You...!? Why're you here!?

(the protagonist smacks the monster outside the room and battles it along with the appearing monsters)

A.D. 2028/3/22 17:00

(the protagonist goes back to the room after defeating the monsterss)

Hitsugi: A-Are the monsters gone?

(the protagonist nods)

Hitsugi: Oh, what a relief. I guess everything's fine now.
Hitsugi: I'm not even sure which way is up anymore, but you saved us...

(Hitsugi falls unconscious and the protagonist puts her and the boy on the bed)

Xiera: Their vital signs are stable. There's no need to worry.
Xiera: I'm more concerned about those enigmatic monsters. They weren't Falspawn, so what were they, exactly...?
Xiera: So much for a simple rehab mission. You were suddenly teleported to unknown coordinates, and then this battle... There's a lot to digest.
Xiera: We have to discuss what to do next. Would you mind returning to the ship for a moment?

(the protagonist nods and teleports away. Some time passes and Hitsugi wakes up)

Hitsugi: Mmmmm...
Hitsugi: ...Hah, hahaha. Ahahahahaha!

(Hitsugi gets up)

Hitsugi: Oh, duh. Of COURSE all that stuff about video game avatars and monsters was a dream! Phew, what a relief.
Hitsugi: Haha... Ahaha, ahahahaha... Ha.
Hitsugi: If only it WAS all a dream...

[The next day]

A.P. 241/3/23 8:00

Xiera: Good work. You don't seem to be suffering any aftereffects. That's a relief.
Xiera: Once again, I will share some information with you on the current state of the planet you were recently teleported to.
Xiera: It's in a dimension of the universe entirely separate from ours with Oracle and everything. It exists beyond subspace.
Xiera: It's not a planet that exists in our universe; in all likelihood, it's in an entirely different dimension. A parallel universe, if you would.
Xiera: It's certainly not somewhere you should be able to travel to and from with ease... I'm currently investigating the details.
Xiera: It's but one planet in this other dimension, and is inhabited by intelligent lifeforms.
Xiera: The name of the planet seems to be... "Earth."
Xiera: By the way, when you went to Earth, were you able to have a normal conversation with her? Do you remember?
Xiera: At any rate, Earth's language data has already been collected by the Intelligence Bureau.
Xiera: Also, no sooner had I reported this situation that the Intelligence Bureau registered a substantial amount of data on the planet.
Xiera: I think it means they have been collecting data independently... Like Admiral Ulku said, I can't help but be suspicious.
Xiera: It's plausible that Earth's coordinates and teleporter destination hadn't been set properly.
Xiera: It's dubious as to whether or not that was truly the case...but either way, that's no longer relevant!
Xiera: Thanks to the contact you made with Hitsugi, we were able to establish a connection with Earth!
Xiera: It remains unclear HOW and WHY you were able to do so--let alone set foot on that world--but...
Xiera: My hypothesis is that the photons reacted to Hitsugi's call for help and your desire to help her.
Xiera: Er, I digress. Point being, you can now go to Earth whenever you want. I should point out, however, that this is a covert operation.
Xiera: With your photon recognition cloacking and spatial separation ability, you can roam Earth without being outed by its photon-less beings.
Xiera: This technology comes straight from the Intelligence Bureau, so I'm a liiittle concerned.
Xiera: They say Mai's innate abilities are generalized, but honestly, I have my doubts as to the origin of this tech.
Xiera: It's fishy, no matter which way you slice it! We'll need to investigate this even more thoroughly.

(Xiera stands up from her chair)

Xiera: Oh! Right! I just remembered another important piece of info!
Xiera: I haven't seen any readings of that Dark Falz since it appeared on Naverius.
Xiera: I'll do my best to track it down, but it'll be like searching for a rock in an asteroid belt, I hate to say.
Xiera: My whole spiel aside! It's not exactly an alternative, but your connection--your link--with Hitsugi is quite strong!

(the protagonist is given two options to answer: "What IS the connection between us?" or "What do you mean by 'link'?" but both give the same response)

Xiera: See, when you tried to save Hitsugi as she was engulfed in darkness, you actually repelled by it touching her.
Xiera: When that happened, it's like your photons flowed into her, and you were then able to pick up on her reaction to danger.
Xiera: Thanks to that, you were able to save her just in the nick of time. You turned the tables on potential disaster.
Xiera: Meanwhile, we were able to collect some bits of data, making it easier to ascertain the current state of Earth. Talk about convenient!
Xiera: Using ARKS's technology, we can take said data and recreate a video of Hitsugi's daily life. Heheh... Say, what should we look at first?

(the protagonist is given two options to answer: "Wouldn't that make us peeping Toms?" or "Anything and everything!")

(when choosing "Wouldn't that make us peeping Toms?")

Xiera: Oh, no no! I swear by Xiao that this is purely reconnaissance. Aaall part of the job.
Xiera: The only ones who are going to see it are you and me anyway, so it'll be fine if we keep the details on the downlow.

(when choosing "Anything and everything!")

Xiera: Bear in mind that this fragmented data, though. Not even Xiao could predict what moments we'll see recreated in the video.
Xiera: It's like having an itch right in the middle of your back. Unfortunate, but beyond your means to fix!

Xiera: All joking aside, it's critical that we collect information, as we really don't know anything about this planet or its intelligent life.
Xiera: I do feel a little guilty about invading her privacy, but our work comes first. Let's have a look while we have a chance, shall we?


After Finishing the Quest[]

Note: The reward is only given out when finishing the quest for the first time.

Casual Hardcore
Experience 0 0


Phantasy Star Online 2
Playable Races Human - Newman - CAST - Deuman
Playable Classes Hunter - Fighter - Ranger - Gunner - Force - Techter - Braver - Bouncer - Summoner - Hero - Phantom - Étoile - Luster
Weapons Sword - Wired Lance - Partisan - Twin Daggers - Double Saber - Knuckles - Katana - Soaring Blades - Gunblade
Assault Rifle - Launcher - Twin Machine Guns - Bow
Rod - Talis - Wand - Jet Boots - Harmonizer
Armors Rear - Arm - Leg - Sub - Ring
Others Auxiliary - Mag - Pet - Weapon Camo - Weapon Form
Important Characters
Guardian Protagonist - Matoi
Council of Six Regius - Maria - Casra I - Casra II - Atossa - Zeno - Klariskrays - Klariskrays II - Iris - Wolf - Huey - Quna
ARKS/Oracle Afin - Aika - Aki - Azanami - Cofy - Echo - Euclyta - Filia - Fourie - Gettemhult - Io - Katori - Kyokuya
Ludmila - Lukot - Marlu - Melfonseana - Melrandia - Oza - Pati - Pietro - Risa - Rojio - Saga - Sarah - Stratos
Theodor - Tia - Ulku - Wright - Xiao - Xiera - Xion - Zig
Allies from Other Planets Ro'Kamiz - Ko'Rela - Ko'Riu - Cabracan - Sukunahime - Kotoshiro
Earth Guide Ardem Sacrid - Enga Yasaka
Earth's Other Inhabitants Al - Hitsugi Yasaka - Itsuki Tachibana - Kohri Washinomiya - Phaleg Ives - Rina Izumi
Denizens of Omega Alis Landale - Clarissa Maintainer - Florent Arlequin d'Ys Artia - Gettemhult Gwinner - Hariette Renata Reina Cuento
Luther Lars Rey Cuento - Lutz Cero Rey Cuento - Margareta - Melfonseana Riesfeldt - Schreger Weyland - Varuna Lashiec
The Profound Darkness Dark Falz (Apprentice - Elder - Gemini - Luther - Persona) - Elmir Weyland - Falspawn
Mother Corps Aratron Tolstoy - Bethor Zelazny - Hagito "Hagith" Anie - Mother - Och Millar - Ophiel Herbert - Phul Janice Lasswitz
Photoners Mitra - Shiva - Varuna
Planets Naverius - Amduskia - Lillipa - Wopal - Harukotan - Earth - Omega
Locals ARKS Ship (Casino) - City Area - Falspawn Den - Oracle Mothership - Forest - Tundra - Ruins - Volcanic Caves
Floating Continent - Dragon Altar - Desert - Underground Shafts - Abandoned Mine - Coast - Seabed - Floating Facility
Daybreak Province - Nightfall Province - Gemini's Inner Universe - Tokyo - Las Vegas - Bewitched Woods
Terms Client Order - Partner Card (Friendship Level) - Story Progression (Divergence Matrix - Story Board - Story Quest)
Cosmogenic Arm - Avatar Arm