Phantasy Star Wiki

Does anyone know what exactly those stat graphs mean? Is it max and min stats at Level 50? If so may I add a clarifying caption? Also, if anyone knows where the source of the data came from, it would be nice to add a similar chart to Anna, Kain, and Shir's pages.

Jonathan64111 (talk) 15:11, July 19, 2020 (UTC)

I checked the change logs. The bar graph was apparently formatted by Rigel Kent and then added to this page back in 2012. That user has been inactive for some time and I don't see a source. It's possible he gathered the data on his own time. It is fancy but I can't really vouch for its accuracy. --Crispix (talk) 16:14, July 19, 2020 (UTC)

It's a good question and looking myself, the stat gains are random, but based on a fixed number. say he's due to gain an average of 6 strength, then the actual gain he'll get is anywhere from 4-9 (50-150%). from what i can see though, the graph doesn't correlate to what others have calculated it to be, so idk. go ahead and re-do it, maybe a min-avergae-max version would be interesting, or just average.
Sato au (talk) 09:05, July 20, 2020 (UTC)
Thank you guys for you help! I will take a deeper look at this new info this weekend.
Jonathan64111 (talk) 23:59, July 20, 2020 (UTC)
OK I made new charts based on the average level 50 character stats provided in the source above. Hopefully, these look good and are clear. I ended up making them in Excel since the chart format used previously seemed to be very limited in possible changes. The second bar I added is just the average level 50 character stats, so readers have some comparison of the strength of each character. I attempted to upload the excel file, but apparently that format isn't uploadable, so I have provided a link to the file from my Google Drive ( in case someone wants to edit the chart easily.
Jonathan64111 (talk) 16:49, July 26, 2020 (UTC)