Phantasy Star Wiki

Shir Gold (Japanese: シルカ・レビニア, "Shilka Levinia") is one of the playable characters in Phantasy Star 2. She is the last to join the party after the final city on Mota, Piata, has been visited by Rolf.



Shir is a young woman with short green hair (darker in Generations 2) and blue eyes. She wears a sleeveless blue dress with a white collar, white wristbands, white boots, and a red belt.



Shir was born into a wealthy and well-to-do family in Motavia. She was blessed with the best education and had everything she could have desired, but wanted to seek adventure since she was provided little of it in her life, leading her to become a thief. One of her escapades involved around stealing a very important painting called "Opa-Opa" (a reference to Fantasy Zone).

She eventually finds Rolf, a government agent in Paseo, the capital city of Mota, and decides to assist him in his adventure. After encountering the earthmen in the game's ending, she decided that she would not accept any fate, instead she would control her own future.

She makes a cameo appearance in Phantasy Star IV. Shir and the other companions of Rolf appears in a vision that Chaz sees, while claiming Elsydeon.


Shir is a very useful member of the player's party, since she has a knack for getting certain items that are otherwise impossible to obtain, including a visiphone, which can be used for a saving process at any place (she must be at level 10 or above to do this). She and Amy are the only characters to sport a neicape, and is one of the two characters (with Anna being the other) to wear the shuneboots. Shir is also fast and can use small weapons, like knives and daggers, when in battle.


Shir Stats

Note: Character stats subject to random variation by approximately 50% at each level up. [2]

Shir has below average stat growths for almost every stat. The major exception is agility, where she has the highest growth in the game. This allows her to move before every other character and most enemies, which can be useful for healing and casting techniques like deban. Her TP growth is the lowest in the game out of all the technique-learning characters.


Main article: Techniques in Phantasy Star II

Shir learns a handful of damaging and support techniques similar to the ones Rolf learns. These include some of the most powerful technqiues in the game such as Nagra. However, she learns many of her techniques at a late level and does not have a large TP pool to cast with. These factors limit the usefulness of Shir as a technique user.

Note: The techniques noted with a * are unique to this character.

Technique Level Effect
Foi 1 damage to one enemy
Ryuka 6 Teleports the party to the last town where the game was saved at a Data Memory building. Can only be used on the overworld and outside of combat.
Hinas 9 Teleports the party outside of a dungeon. Can only be used outside of combat.
Res 12 healing on one ally

can use outside combat

Gifoi 15 damage to one enemy
Zan 18 damage to a group of enemies
Gra 24 damage to all enemies
Gizan 27 damage to a group of enemies
Gires 30 healing on one ally

can use outside combat

Nazan 33 damage to a group of enemies
Gigra 36 damage to all enemies
Nagra 45 damage to all enemies

Other Appearances[]

Phantasy Star II

Phantasy Star II gamebook

Phantasy Star II Adventure Book[]

Of the three adventure titles published by Futabasha for the Phantasy Star original classics, one of them was a choose your own adventure story about Phantasy Star II. Featured on the cover is Rolf and his party in slightly modified costumes.

Depending on the reader's choices, the ending and situations Shir finds herself in could change drastically from the events of the video game. The game books were only published in Japan.


  • According to the official Phantasy Star Collection, Shir is 161cm tall, or about 5′-3″.[1]
  • The same collection states that Shir Gold is 22 years old.[1] The story of Phantasy Star II begins in AW 1284 but it is never stated how long it took Rolf's party to storm the Earthmen headquarters. If it was several months into the new year of AW 1285, this would therefore give credence to Shir technically being a year older than Kain even though they were both born in the same year, since she was born several months before him.


References & Notes[]

Phantasy Star II
Playable Characters Rolf - Nei - Rudolf Steiner - Amy Sage - Hugh Thompson - Anna Zirski - Josh Kain - Shir Gold
Antagonists Neifirst - Army Eye - Dark Force - Mother Brain
Planets Mota - Dezo
Locations Paseo - Arima - Oputa - Zema - Kueri - Piata - Zosa - Aukba - Ryuon - Esper Mansion
Dungeons Shure - Tower of Nido - Biosystems Lab - Roron - Uzo Island - Climatrol - Control Tower
Red Dam - Yellow Dam - Blue Dam - Green Dam - Gaira - Skure - Crevice - Menobe - Guaron - Ikuto - Naval - Noah