In Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium, Piata is a town on Motavia and is the first town to be visited by the party - which at that stage consists of Chaz Ashley and Alys Brangwin. It has become the Town of Learning - with the notable Piata Academy, containing the finest teachers and students. It is here the party meet Hahn Mahlay.
Hunter's Guild Mission #3[]
Players must return to Piata to complete the Hunter's Guild Mission #3 - The Missing Student. When players return to the academy, talking to the dorm keeper will set them on their quest to return the missing student to Piata.
Tool store | Cost | Inn | Cost |
Monomate | 20 | per party member | 5 |
Playable Characters | Chaz Ashley - Alys Brangwin - Hahn Mahlay - Rune Walsh - Gryz - Rika - Demi - Wren - Raja - Kyra Tierney - Seth |
Major Antagonists | Zio - Dark Force - Lashiec - Profound Darkness |
Minor Antagonists | Igglanova – Juza – Gy-Laguiah – Xe-A-Thoul – De-Vars – Sa-Lews – King Rappy – Re-Faze |
Planets | Motavia - Dezolis - Rykros |
Locations | Piata - Mile - Molcum - Krup - Tonoe - Zema - Nalya - Aiedo - Kadary - Monsen - Termi - Ryuon - Tyler Zosa - Reshel - Meese - Jut - Esper Mansion - Gumbious Temple - Uzo - Torinco - Silence Temple |
Dungeons | Motavian Academy Basement - Birth Valley - Tonoe Warehouse Basement - Ladea Tower - Nurvus - Kuran - Myst Valley - Climate Center - Weapons Plant Garubek Tower - Air Castle - Courage Tower - Strength Tower - Anger Tower - The Edge |