Phantasy Star Wiki
PSIGameBook Phantasy Star II PSIIIGameBook

A gamebook is a work of fiction that allows the reader to participate in the story by making effective choices. The narrative branches along various paths through the use of numbered paragraphs or pages.

Futabasha published gamebooks of the first three Phantasy Star games exclusively in Japan: Phantasy Star: Arisa no Bouken, Phantasy Star II: Kaerazaru Toki no Owari ni, and Phantasy Star III ji no Keishou-sha.

Phantasy Star: Arisa no Bouken[]

Phantasy Star: Arisa no Bouken, otherwise known as Phantasy Star: Alisa's Adventure in English, is the first adventure book published in the Phantasy Star series by Futabasha in 1989. It was created by Studio Hard Co., Ltd. and Mitsutaka Ode with illustrations by Kunio Aoki as an adaptation of Phantasy Star into an adventure story.

Phantasy Star II: Kaerazaru Toki no Owari ni[]

Phantasy Star II: Kaerazaru Toki no Owari ni, otherwise known as Phantasy Star: The Last Battle in English, is the second adventure book published in the Phantasy Star series by Futabasha in 1989. It was created by Studio Hard Co., Ltd., Mitsutaka Ode, and Akira Hasizume with illustrations by Hirosi Yakumo and Ken Tokunaga as an adaptation of Phantasy Star II.

Phantasy Star III ji no Keishou-sha[]

Phantasy Star III ji no Keishou-sha, otherwise known as Phantasy Star: The City and the Stars in English, is the third and final adventure book published in the Phantasy Star series by Futabasha in 1990. It was created by Studio Hard Co., Ltd., Kazuo Yamazaki, Natsu Andō, and Kotatsu Maeda with illustrations by Kunio Aoki and Kei Eiji as an adaptation of Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom.


  • Although the gamebooks were only published in Japanese, the credits contained within are written in English and give each adventure its own unique English title.
  • Kunio Aoki illustrated 2 books in this series, Alisa's Adventure and The City and the Stars.

External Links[]

Phantasy Star
Playable Characters Alis Landale - Myau - Odin - Noah
Antagonists Dr. Mad - Medusa - King Lassic - Dark Falz
Planets Palma - Motavia - Dezoris
Locations Camineet - Parolit - Scion - Palma Spaceport - Eppi - Gothic - Bortevo - Loar - Abion - Drasgow
Motavia Spaceport - Paseo - Uzo - Casba - Sopia - Skure - Twintown
Dungeons Camineet Warehouse - Medusa Cave - Naula Cave - Iala Cave - Paseo Palace Passage - Maharu Cave
Gothic-Spaceport Passage - Triada Prison - Bortevo Cave - Abion Warehouse - Dr. Mad's House
Casba Cave - Drasgow Warehouse - Forgotten Island Tower - Medusa's Tower - Baya Malay Gate
Baya Malay Passage - Baya Malay Tower - Lassic's Castle - Tarzimal's Cave
First Ice Passage - Second Ice Passage - Third Ice Passage - Ice Passage to Twintown
Guaron Morgue - Aeroprism Cave - Fourth Ice Passage - Dezoris Cave
Database Characters - Monsters - Music - Locations - Story - Walkthrough
Printed Media Gamebook - Phantasy Star: Phantom Cities - Phantasy Star Collection
Soundtracks Phantasy Star Collection: Sound Collection I - SEGAROCK Vol.01 - Phantasy Star 1st Series Complete Album
Phantasy Star Series 25th Anniversary Concert Sympathy 2013 Live Memorial Album
Phantasy Star Music Collection 2000-2007
Phantasy Star II
Playable Characters Rolf - Nei - Rudolf Steiner - Amy Sage - Hugh Thompson - Anna Zirski - Josh Kain - Shir Gold
Antagonists Neifirst - Army Eye - Dark Force - Mother Brain
Planets Mota - Dezo
Locations Paseo - Arima - Oputa - Zema - Kueri - Piata - Zosa - Aukba - Ryuon - Esper Mansion
Dungeons Shure - Tower of Nido - Biosystems Lab - Roron - Uzo Island - Climatrol - Control Tower
Red Dam - Yellow Dam - Blue Dam - Green Dam - Gaira - Skure - Crevice - Menobe - Guaron - Ikuto - Naval - Noah